

trail 的反义词 2023-08-27 12:24 340 墨鱼
trail 的反义词


trail along 疲倦地,无精打采的走;trail away/off (尤指声音)减弱,变小4、例句Most of the hot spots move only slowly, and in some cases the movement of the plates pas答:trail trace track的意思、例句用法和短语搭配不同。trail的意思是:n. 痕迹,踪迹;v. 拖,拉trail的例句有:The trail starts just outside the town. 足迹从刚出城的地

ˇωˇ in trail march in trail off the trail 词型变化:动词过去式:trailed 过去分词:trailed 现在分词:trailing 第三人称单数:trails 词意辨析:path, road, way, street, highwtrail的短语、例句:trail n 1 mark or sign in the form of a long line left by sth or sb passing by 痕迹;足迹;踪迹vapour trails, eg those left in the sky by high

· 词汇搭配~+副词trail demurely 拘谨地跟随trail faithfully 忠诚地跟随trail incessantly 连续跟踪trail tediously 令人厌烦地跟随trail along after sb 慢吞吞地词汇搭配用作动词(v.) ~+副词trail demurely拘谨地跟随trail faithfully忠诚地跟随trail incessantly连续跟踪trail tediously令人厌烦地跟随trail along after sb慢

动词短语trail 英语中文trail alongvi phrasalinformal(accompany[sb]informally)(非正式用语)SC陪在…身边SC和一起去When we go to the mall, my little sister alwaoff the trail■甩掉尾巴trail after■追随trail off■变弱;逐渐消失特殊用法aerodynamic trail■气动力尾迹audit trail■查帐索引condensation trail■凝结尾迹dissipation


标签: trial的英语



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