
online shopping听力原文,四级考试真题和答案

网上购物的优点 2023-12-10 15:32 271 墨鱼

online shopping听力原文,四级考试真题和答案

2 Passage 112 Online Shopping 2051 2018-08 3 Passage 113 American Health Plan 1686 2018-08 4 Passage 114 Universities in the UK 2213 2018-08 5 Passage 115 The Football These days lots of people can do their shopping in the comfort of their own home with the help of the internet. Online shopping is becoming more and

B: not really. I know that it happens, but if you buy from reputable companies with secure websites, you should be ok. Even thought I use online shoOnline Shopping Tips Day by day, more and more people are shopping online. It’s convenient, and you can bring a world of choices to your computer,

Online shopping is truly global so people can buy the best products from Europe, America, or Africa,depending on what their speciality is. 网上的购物是真正全球性onlineshoppingcartergrace听力unit UnitEightWarming-upExercisesDoyouhaveanyexperienceonlineshopping?Shareyourexperienceyourpartner.Groupdiscussionrep

(=`′=) 查看听力原文第1题Hi, Max. How are you? Listen. I wanted to ask you about ordering shopping online. 1. What did the woman want to ask Max about? 第Dora:I'm shopping online. Eric:It looks convenient. Is it safe? Dora:Yes, but it is important to change passwords often. Eric:That's right. And watch out for scams. 埃

Online shopping has a lot of advantages over going in person to the shops. 网上购物相对于亲身去商店购物有很多好处。Shoppers can check reviews and recommendations on theTask 2: Online Shopping W:Hey, Don, online shopping is so popular nowadays. Where is a good place to buy electronics online? M:Hmmm. I usually go to Amazon. S


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