
help…with的例子,help of

help out 2023-09-27 10:32 229 墨鱼
help out

help…with的例子,help of

help后面还可以接with,用来表示要帮助的那件事。例:Her parents gave her some help with her bank loan. 她父母帮她还了一部分银行贷款。3.help yourself 请自便例:”Might I ha以下是几个简单的例子:1.我妈妈帮助我做我的功课。My mother helps me with my homework. 2.那位医生正在帮助那位病人恢复身体健康。The doctor is helping thepatient re

╯^╰ 篇1:英语help的用法总结help相关短语:help oneself(to)自用;自取所需with the help of 在…的帮助下help sb with sth 帮某人干某事help with 帮忙某人做…help each other help with 在某方面帮助;帮忙某人做;用……来帮助;帮助做某事,作为介词的时候help with通常可以连用。1.help with sth 帮助做某事At home he helps with wha

John helped me with my homework. 约翰帮助我完成了我的作业。在这个例子中,John助我完成了作业,可能是给我提出建议,或者给我提供帮助,而不是从头到尾完成一份作业。可以11.How are you getting on/along with……How are you getting on/along with your english study? 12.How long will it take you to ……How long will it

╯△╰ Do you need any help with that? 这事你需要帮忙吗?I have two assistants who help with the admin. 我有两个助手协助经营。He counted off five men to hel- "help to"通常用于帮助完成一项动作或任务,强调帮助实现某个目标。"help with"通常用于提供协助或支持,强调帮

例子:I completed the project with his help.(我完成了这个项目,得益于他的帮助。We successfully solved the6、Her parents could help with child care while she works. 她工作时父母可以帮忙照看孩子。7、Oxfam may also help with the transportation of refugees. 乐施会也会帮助运送


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