
the 加名词加of等于,名词修饰名词

名词所有格 2023-10-10 20:55 523 墨鱼

the 加名词加of等于,名词修饰名词

privacy oflibrary. 她立即把他们领出拥挤的客厅,带到没人注意的图书馆去。细心的读者会发现上面短语中的of 都相当于汉语的“的”,这个"名词加of"也相当于4. the matter 困难;毛病;麻烦例:Is anything the matter?有什么麻烦吗?5.the +名词+of 介词短语即:of短语做名词后置定语时,名词前要加the。例:the history of China;the


常见的"The + Noun + of"短语1.The beauty of the sunset 2.The sound of music 3.The flavor of the food 4.The color of the sky 5.The joy of success 6.The power of lo后面加名词或动名词,例如:1、Iamp;#39mtryingtobreakthehabitofstayinguptoolate.我正试图改掉熬夜的习惯。2、Iamp;#39vegotintothehabitofturningont

˙^˙ 看情况,the是表示特指,特指你说的某一事物就要加theThe countess was a woman with a thin face of Oriental cast, forty-five years old, and

the+名称+of=形容词是不是?知识点相关讲解例如the name of U.S. president is OBAMA. 上面例句就不是形容词,是名词——enhimo 好像是the+抽象名词+of =该抽象名词的形容the加名词加of用法the加名词加of用法the definition of the shape of the look of the sound of the smell of the speed of the color of the type of the size of the tast


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