
not any more造句,用not anymore造句

no more造句 2023-03-18 15:03 253 墨鱼
no more造句

not any more造句,用not anymore造句

例句一:She did not laugh any more.中文含义:她不再笑了。例句二:I am not a student any longer after graduation.中文含义:毕业之后我不再是一个学生了。第二,not any more等同not……any more造句相关知识点:解析i don't trust you any more 我不再相信你了. I don't want to meet you any more.我不想再见到你了.He wasnot anymore a nurse after

I don't wear glasses any more.我不再戴眼镜、不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!I do not love any more.我不再爱你了I am not angry anymore.我不再生气

5.no more……than =not……any more than=neither……nor 表示"两者都不" 6.not more……than=not so……as 表示不如,不及7.no more than 表示"仅仅,只有"(i don't trust you any more 我不再相信你了。。I don't want to meet you any more. 我不想再见到你了。He wasnot anymore a nurse after that. 从那以后,他不在

not any more造句1、The focal point, however, isnotanymorethe culinary art alone. 然而,展览的焦点不再只是烹调技艺。2、Notanymorewill I discourse unto the people;not any more造句导读1.cashew butter on toast -actually, not any more.(腰果黄油抹面包——事实上,不能比这个再多的了。9.Well not any more.(好了没有任

If she lies to me,I will not talk to her any more.not any more造句1、More than that, you have been my best friend, butnot any morenow. 2、More than that, you have been my best friend, butnot any mor


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