
take away,tookaway

有关away的短语 2023-12-23 17:01 518 墨鱼

take away,tookaway

Take awaythese teacups. 把这些茶杯拿走. 《现代汉英综合大词典》The small shopkeepers realized that the hypermarket willtake awaysome of their trade. 这些小店主们takeaway外卖比喻用法。英文词源takeaway (adj.) alsotake-away, 1964 in reference to food-shops, fromtake(v.) +away. From 1970 as a noun. 双语例句1. Let's have atakeawaytonight

∩△∩ 形容词take away: of or involving food to be taken and eaten off the premises 同义词:takeout, take-away 例句:Two chicken curriesand rice to take away, please. 劳take away 1. 带走;拿走;夺走:Take away the glasses and the tray.把这些玻璃杯和托盘拿走。2. 拆去;移去;拿掉:I suggest you take the front porch away

take away 美英adj.买回去的网络拿走;带走;外带同义词反义词v. remove,carry off,carry away,take off,subtract prep. less,minus,excluding 英汉英英网络释义adjtake one's breath away使人吃惊或高兴得说不出话来take sb's breath away使某人大吃一惊,使某人说不出话来take sb.'s breath awayv. 使某人大吃一惊be awayvi.把放在

Take Away 作曲:Glow 作词:2Days/Glow 编曲:Glow 混音:Glow 制作人:刘洺瑒监制:刘洺瑒OP:百纳星娱发行人:海凝SP:百纳音乐Don't you know 你的神态都让我Let me take away 戴上面具后的虚伪Girl I love you talk dirty So drive me crazy 带走你坏的情绪fa sho' Shawty you can play for me I wanna take you away girl I want you know


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