
i love china英语作文50字,i love china英语演讲稿

我爱我的祖国的作文 2023-09-26 10:32 515 墨鱼

i love china英语作文50字,i love china英语演讲稿

一、我爱中国英语作文50字?China is my mother land. I am a Chinese .China is very big and very beautiful country .China is very old,too. 中国是我的祖我爱中国英语作文i love china! as a chinese citizen, i am deeply proud of my country‘s rich culture, long history, and rapid development. china is

i love china英语作文50字小学

I love China 我爱中国。China is a beautiful country It is also an ancient country with long history I was bo1.我爱我的祖国英语作文范文One mother is greater, that is China. We are all children of "mother", and we are all descendants of China. My dearest is my mother and my fa

i love china英语作文50字六年级

我爱祖国英语作文篇1 我是一名小学生,祖国是我们的母亲,我们是祖国的花朵,我爱我的祖国!I am a primary school student, the motherland is our mother, we are the flower我爱中国英语作文50字?China is my mother land. I am a Chinese .China is very big and very beautiful country .China is very old,too. 中国是我的祖国,


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