
spend doing sth和spend to do,start to do

what todo 2023-08-27 13:28 327 墨鱼
what todo

spend doing sth和spend to do,start to do

除了用法上的区别外,“spend to do”和“spend doing”的语义也略有不同。“Spend to do”更加强调的是为了完成某项任务而进行的经济付出,而“spend doing”则更加强调的是花费时1)“spendto do something”结构中,to do something应视为目的状语,相当于in order to do something。强调花时间/金钱/精力做这件事的目的。spend time to do sth = spend time( in doing A i

楼主,应该没有spend to do这样的搭配spend 只有spend time do sth/ (in)doing sth和spend time with sb三种用法而已. 你是在哪里看到的spend to do 和doing区别没有spend to do这个用法。spend的用法如下:spend in doing in 后面接动名词,spend on sth后面接名词或代词。例句:I spent an hour in watching TV. 我看了

没有spend to do这个用法。spend的用法如下:spend in doing in 后面接动名词,spend on sth后面接名词或代词。例句:I spent an hour in watching TV. 我看了一个spendtodo和doing区别没有spend to do这个⽤法。spend的⽤法如下:spend in doing in 后⾯接动名词,spend on sth后⾯接名词或代词。例句:I spent an hour in watching TV

不过不管是spend in doing还有spend to do,在很多时候,都可以用spend on sth.来代替是。只要do是一个及物动词,它的后面带有宾语,就行得通。比如:Spend gold on Packs. 在包上spend to do 和doing区别没有spend to do这个用法。spend的用法如下:spend in doing in 后面接动名词,spend on sth后面接名词或代词。例句:I spent an hour i


标签: start to do



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