

distance搭配 2023-12-10 21:38 458 墨鱼


distort 分开disaster=dis(分开)+aster(星星)=星位不正,表示有灾难discourage=dis(分开)+cour(心)+age(表名词)=把心分散了→使气馁+扭extortionate=ex(向外)+tort(扭)+ion(表名1. 【释义】I,T]to change the appearance, sound, or shape of something so that it is strange or unclear (使)变形,使)失真;(使)反常:【例句】Tall buildings can

拉丁语distorquôre distort- dis- [apart] * see dis- dis- [分开,分离] *参见dis-torquôre [to twist] * see terk w- torquôre [扭歪,扭曲,使变形] *参见terk w- 【引122. contort | distort | retort contort [kən'tɔː t] v. 扭曲,曲解;扭弯distort [dɪ'stɔː t] v. 弄歪;扭曲retort [rɪ'tɔrt] n&v. 反击;反驳

˙▂˙ 1. 变形:它能够实现许多神奇的功能-模糊(blur), 变形(distort), 清晰处理(sharpen)以及其它许多很酷的功能. 滤镜是Photoshop插件,你可以单另购买许多别人制作的有趣的滤镜. 2来源:2016年6月六级第2套题句子搭配题1、They could distort the achievement-based system of peer-review-led research. 它们可能会扭曲以成就为基础的同行

Loadsdistortevery component of the structure of the Cassegrain antenna system. 载荷使卡塞格伦天线结构得每个部分发生变形。Looking backwards with either envy or me过去式:distorted 过去式:distorted 过去式:distorting 过去式:distorts 派生词:distortedly distortedness distortion distortional distortionless 双语例

+△+ 时态distorted,distorting,distorts 英语解释make false by mutilation or addition; as of a message or story alter the shape of (something) by stress twist and press习惯性搭配:distort [events, the truth, the facts, his comments, my remarks], the [suspect, journalist, press, politician] distorted the [events], [events] have b


标签: distort常见用法及例句



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