
trip over,triple

trip 2023-09-28 01:49 637 墨鱼

trip over,triple

You trip over a cassette recorder. 你给一台录音机绊倒了. 互联网2、It'd be fun, after the situation in Europe settles down, to take a trip over to France. 等欧trip over的发音:sorry,there is no trip over's voice. 单词解释绊倒与trip over 相关的例句If you don't lace up your shoes, you'll trip over. 如果你不系好鞋带,你会

trip over的用法和样例:例句If you leave your shoes lying around like that, you'll trip over them. 如果你把鞋子乱扔乱放,你会被绊倒的。Somebody trip over the cord美英n.翻转机构;转位机构网络绊倒;被…绊倒;旅行英汉网络释义n. 1. 翻转机构2. 转位机构释义:全部,翻转机构,转位机构,绊倒,被…绊倒,旅行下载手机版必应词典iOS W

(1) Trip over = trip 绊倒注意:Trip over them是被他们绊倒,trip them over是把他们绊倒。She tripped as she walked away. 她临走的时候绊倒了。Tie your shoelaces so you dontrip over lever (翻转犁的) 翻转控制杆trip on 绊在上面trip to vt.去地方远足,去地方旅行to trip 绊脚相似单词trip 1.[I][~ (over/up)]绊,绊倒2.[T][~ sb (up)]使某人绊跤,绊倒

∪▽∪ trip over基本释义词形变化详细释义英英释义trip over■被…绊倒Mind you, don't trip over these roots; they're difficult to see under all these leaves.当心别被那些trip over发音意思翻译被…绊倒相似词语短语tip over───使翻倒brim over───满而溢出;满溢drop over───vt.顺便来访ship over───v.重新进海军服役tips


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