
lipuid造句,liquid obtained翻译

fascinated造句 2023-09-30 19:54 914 墨鱼

lipuid造句,liquid obtained翻译

24、However, they switched the starchy and sweetliquidtreats for a high calorieliquidand a low calorieliquid. 25、It also suppliesliquidoxygen,liquiliquid造句类型英语造句1、It was simply fire in aliquid form.(它是液体,可作用却像火一样。2、All evidence of water inliquid form, large quantities of it.(它们都是

It's difficult to find reaction liquid in a sentence. 用reaction liquid造句挺难的相关词汇"reaction law"造句"reaction level"造句"reaction lever"造句"reaction l权威造句1. We found a cyst and I suctioned off theliquidwithin. 我们发现了一个囊肿,我把其中的液体吸了出来。来自柯林斯例句2. Some people moved in silky,liquidmovements, others were

liquid英语造句,1、A sol that consists of solid particles suspended in a liquid is a colloidal suspension.由固体微粒悬浮在液体中liquid是液体的意思。造句如下:1.He decanted the rich red liquid into a pair of glasses.他将醇红的酒慢慢倒入两

⊙﹏⊙ 1.液体[U][C]Oil, milk and water are all liquids.油、牛奶和水都是液体。2.【语】流音[C]形容词a.1.液体的;液态的,流动的2.清澈的,透明的The child has largeliquid造句造句搜索搜索推荐:东西南北执法无私产假计算器网名生成宝宝起名工具主页>造句>英语造句> liquid造句,liquid例句1、牛奶和水都是液体。


标签: liquid obtained翻译



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