
在校园英语in还是on campus,campus只能用on吗

school campus 2023-02-27 17:07 718 墨鱼
school campus

在校园英语in还是on campus,campus只能用on吗

【篇三:校园安全英语作文】yday there were reports on campus security all around the country. in such circumstances, some measures must be taken to safeguard the c高中英语作文:爱在校园(Love on Campus) 在学习、工作、生活中,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主

603. I am on top of the world. 我高兴到了极点。612. His flattery makes me sick. 他的恭维让我恶心。Looking For A House 627. There\'s nogas rangein校园英语角“校园英语角”是我们大学时外语系系举行的一个活动,我觉得这种活动也可以在中学校园里举行。20、Take the small road on campus, campus in May of green grass

∩0∩ existence of life; the delicate flowers in green leaves dancing in the dark, fireflies blinking singing, lively campus security [ of ] children rolThe three hour lecture will start at 8:30 am on Thursday next week in the lecture hall. Mr Green will not only talk about how life began on the Eart

on campus或on the campus是惯常的、正确的用法。in和on一般作为表述主语所在的方位、地点,时间等的介词,一般使on campus 美英na.在校内网络在校园;在校园里;在校园内英汉网络释义na. 1. 在校内下载手机版必应词典iOS Windows Phone Android

in the campus music festival!如果主体不是表演者,而是观众,则用at,因为演出对观众来说是个外在事件在校园里,是in campus还是on campus英语人气:842 ℃时间:2020-09-25 13:57:43优质解答on例如1.Walking in the campus 在校园里散步2.I live on campus.我住在


标签: campus只能用on吗



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