

if条件句造句 2023-02-24 04:14 976 墨鱼


If we read more books,we will know more.如果我们多读书,就会懂得更多.If we treat people sincerely,we will have more friends.如果我们待人真诚,就会有更1.(表示条件)如果He will come if you invite him. 如果你请他,他会来的. 2.(表示虚拟)假如,要是If I were you,I would never do

ˋωˊ 1、If weather permit, we will go to the park tomorrow.假如气候好得话,明日我们去公园。2、Listen to the tune 用If造句答案1.Ifweatherpermit,wewillgototheparktomorrow. 如果天气好的话,明天我们去公园。2.Listentothetuneseeifyoucanrememberthewords. 请听这曲子--看你能不能想

if英语造句,1、Most people will recoil from a poisonous snake if they suddenly meet one.大多数人在突然遇见一条毒蛇时都会退缩。2、If h译:我每天花2个小时做家庭作业。用If造句一直用If像绕口令一样If it does't rain ,I will back home. If I feel tired,I will watch TV. If I feel tried,I will go to bed

∩▽∩ if造句1、If I fail, if I succeed. 2、If not, if the past is over! 3、Even if it's finite. 4、sound IF amplifier tube 5、Correct errors, if any. 6、9、If+主语+haddone(过去完成时)→what 10、如果表示对将来的推测11、Goodness,Iwonderifheknows. 12、Ifpeopletookseriouslythatfinding. 13、如果whatif后

1.(表示条件)如果He will come if you invite him.意思:如果你请他,他会来的。2.(表示虚拟)假如,要是If I were you, I would never do that.意思:如果我是你,5.造句,动词词,指用词组织句子。今天也指小学语文实践的内容之一。6.句子是语言使用的基本单位。它由单词或短语组成,可以表达一个完整的意思,比如告诉别人一些事情,问一个


标签: asif虚拟语气例句造句



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