
the same as的用法例句,the same as中的as词性

the same的用法详解 2023-11-28 14:38 446 墨鱼
the same的用法详解

the same as的用法例句,the same as中的as词性

1)I read the same book as you. 我和你读的书是一样的(as表示相似)。2)He gave the same answer as before.他给的答案和以前的相同(as表示同一)。3)She lives in the sameas的用法如下:1、thesameas"是一个比较级的结构,用于比较两个事物在某些方面的相似之处。可以将其理解为“和……一样”。2、Mycaristhesamecolorasyours.(

the same as 和the same that的区别:中文含义不同、用法不同。the same as意为与…相似、与…一样,as表示同类物,当从句没有动词时,要用as;the same that意为同用法:在词组be the same as中,as是介词,与be strict with的区别,后者的宾语通常是人。例句:Buying cars or cameras from other countries is not the same as admitting people fr

1.当表示“相似”时,多用as,避免使用that。1)She has the same fair hair and blue eyes as her mother had. 她和母亲一样有着同样的金色头发和蓝色眼睛。as做had的宾语) (2)Thithe same as基本解释与…同样的;无异;何啻the same as情景对话订货A:Can we expect thesame price as last time ?价钱能够和上次的一样吗?B:Oh ,yes ,no problem abou

ˇ^ˇ 1、缒" isthe same as"锤". 2、Your pen isthe same asmine. 3、Aloofness is notthe same asshyness. 4、In data duplicator, the reproduction of the same the same as的用法详细解析如下:the same as常用于说明比较的事物或人完全相同。基础阶段常涉及的句型有两种:1.A + 系动词+ the same as + B : A和B…一样

the same…as的例句1. His voice is the same as his father's. 2. My goal is the same as yours, to be successful. 3. I have the same problem as the other studentsthe same as 双语例句1. In many situations, incremental costs may be the same as variable costs. 在许多情况下,增量成本可能与变动成本相同,但正确区分这两个不同的概


标签: the same as中的as词性



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