

用spend doing造句 2023-12-20 13:17 279 墨鱼
用spend doing造句


>▂< pay造句复制1、Let herpay—she's loaded.(让她付钱吧—她富得很。2、They alwayspaypunctually.(他们一向按时付款。3、We talked about the contract,pay, etc.(我们pay for 四种意思造句!1.为…付钱2.赔偿3.因…受罚3.替某人pay for 四种意思造句!1.为…付钱2.赔偿3.因…受罚3.替某人付款

∩^∩ 1)pay当“付款”讲时,常用句型为pay…for sth(为买某物付给钱)。I paid ten yuan for this cap.我花五元买了这顶帽子。2)句型pay someone. sth。Pay me the money you owe me!把你在我备考作文模板的时候,我买了一等文,王江涛,见山,周黑鸭,潘斌等老师的写作课程,也买了好多份各

36、I'd rather pay that way than pay with credit cards. 我宁愿用那样的方法付钱,而不用信用卡。37、How much did you pay for your new computer game? 你的新电脑游戏1. He promised to pay back tomorrow. 2. pay bills表示“付帐”,pay homage to a person表示xxx向某人表示敬意”,pay tributo to a person表示“赞扬某人”

基本步骤:认识26个字母【26 alphabets】>学习48个音标【48 phonemes】> 5W1H提问起始单词-->了解最基本的主语+动词+名词组合--> 背单词(按场景分类,生活常用的动名词)+ 连词造句pay造句1.I can't pay for the books now. 这些书我现在不能付款。2.Must I pay for my cancel? 我需要为我的取消付款吗?3.How would you like to pay for this today? 请

pay for 四种意思造句!1.为…付钱2.赔偿3.因…受罚3.替某人pay for 四种意思造句!1.为…付钱2.赔偿3.因…受罚3.替某人付款pay造句1、Topayorpayfor beforehand. 2、Stagnantpay, higher productivity. 3、paya tribute to 4、paylip service to 5、Ipaythe cashier. 6、Sell


标签: payfor造句简短



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