

inthelend造句初二水平 2024-01-03 17:24 804 墨鱼


6、做阅读理解时把文章中常用的句型和成语抄录下来背记、造句;7、自己总结常考的语法点和语言点。真题1、And refuse to lend to each other. 2、He will lend to you, but you will not lend to him. 3、The Fed wants banks to continue to lend to creditworth

˙﹏˙ lend造句简单1. Yesterday, my friend was kind enough to lend me some money when I forgot my purse at home. 2. I decided to lend a hand to my neighbor and help himlend造句示例Will you lend me your jacket for a little while? 能把你的夹克借给我一会儿吗?I'd be glad to lend you the money. 我很乐意借给你钱。Can

∪ω∪ 也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词to的宾语。lend后可接反身代词,再接介词to,反身代词指人时,表示“欣然同意做某lend造句复制1、You can onlylendthe book once.(这本书你只能借一次。2、I stupidly agreed tolendhim the money.(我真傻,竟然同意借给他钱了。3、She had rashly pro

I was more than happy tolendmy support to such a good cause. 我非常乐意给这样美好的事业提供援助。牛津词典He came along tolendme moral support. 他来给予我精神上lend造句1、Can youlendme 1,000,000? 2、Jim,lendme a hand? 3、I willlendyou &100. 4、Pleaselendme your ruler . 5、And refuse tolendto each other. 6

1. Here, I'll lend you my pen. 喏,我把钢笔借给你。《牛津词典》2. Can you lend me five quid? 你借给我五镑钱行吗?《牛津词典》3. They refused to lend us the moneWill you lend me ten yuan?能借我十元钱吗?Could you lend me your bicycle?你把自行车借给我骑一下好吗?Will you lend your knife to that man? 你能把小刀借


标签: bond造句



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