
keep…to oneself造句,keep sth to oneself造句

cut off造句 2023-11-17 20:34 639 墨鱼
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keep…to oneself造句,keep sth to oneself造句

造句:I abide by\obey\am faithful to what I said. 我遵守诺言。be absent from…缺席,不在,没到场、没参加同义替换:default absent原始涵义:adj.缺席的,不在场的At timeskeep sth to oneself 是保守秘密,对秘而不宣.1,Don't keep the news to yourself;let's all share it.不要只管自己知道这消息,让我们也知道吧.2,I'll tell y

keep yourself to yourself,即keep oneself to oneself 短语动词:不常与人交谈、与人交往不多、不合群、不交际也可以把前一个oneself省略,即keep to oneself 例句1:I don't knkeep to造句复制1、keep tothe Doha timetable.(恪守多哈的时间表。2、keep tothe left!(靠左行! 3、keep tothe right, please.(请靠右行驶。4、I stick to my princi

17.enjoy oneself 玩得高兴They enjoyed themselves at the party last night. 昨天晚上他们在晚会上玩得很开心。18.hope to do something 希望做某事I hop5、keep to oneself 保守秘密,不与人交往例句1:She likes keeping to herself.译文1:她喜欢独处。例句2:Don't worry. Mike will keep the news to himsel

4. Keep to oneself:独来独往,不和别人交往。例如:- Some people like to keep to themselves and don’t like to socialize.(有些人喜欢独来独往,不喜欢社交。 John is 10、adjust oneself to调整自己以便适应例句:We need to adjust ourselves to the competitive job market. 我们应调整自我以便适应充满竞争的就业市场。1

>▽< 5、keep to oneself 保守秘密,不与人交往例句1:She likes keeping to herself. 译文1:她喜欢独处。例句2:Don't worry. Mike will keep the news to himself. 译文2:别担心,迈克一keep to oneself造句1、He had a habit of keeping to himself and never talked to others. 2、She kept to herself, not seeking attention or expecting sympathy. 3、He


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