

deal的用法及短语 2023-12-10 12:20 384 墨鱼


Deal. /It’s a deal. (口语)成交。例句:We have a deal with his company to sell our products. 我们和他的公司有协议要销售我们的产品。Did you make a deal with the I don't like to deal with her!我不想和她打交道


deal造句如下:1、The two companies have reached a business deal.这两家公司已经达成了商业交易。2、I have dealt with this businessman for several times.我deal用作动词的用法例句:If the worst comes to the worst, we can always deal with it.事情再糟,我们总可以应付。The profits will be dealt out among the investors.红

deal with造句

o(?""?o 8、Adealwith us means a gooddealto you. 9、This Tunipahdealgoes through. 10、Thedealwas negotiated privately. 11、We pulled off thedeal. 12、Wedealideal造句复制1、I wanted them to get a fairdeal.(我希望他们得到一个公平的交易。2、He knows you're getting a bumdeal.(他知道你遇上了糟糕的买卖。3、He has some

a great deal造句

单词deal 例句大全,用单词deal造句:He gets about a greatdeal. 他到处跑。It's a packagedealor nodeal. 要么两人一起要么就吹了。Accept like a curse an unluckydealdeal的短语有:deal with 处理;great deal 大量;a great deal of 大量;deal in v. 经营good deal 划算,好交易;big deal n. 大人物deal的近义词有:afford , manage , debate


deal造句1、We have to deal with the problem as soon as possible. 2、He knew he must deal with the consequences of his actions. 3、The company is dealing with the学习英语单词不仅知识会拼写,知道它的意思,更重要的是还要知道如何运用它,会用它组词造句,这篇文章我们就来整理几个关于deal的英语短句。1. Deal with it! 看


标签: deal怎么有那么多意思



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