
have come to,have come to believe

have 2023-12-19 14:54 177 墨鱼

have come to,have come to believe

have come to的意思:得去。造句:I've come to the conclusion that he's not the right person for the job.我断定他不适合做这项工作。造句:1.I have to go to the bank before ghad come to从语法的角度讲就是过去完成时,因为come的过去时就是come.根据语境,这里的come to是“走

∪0∪ 9. Many books on science ___ since I went to college. A. were bought B. have been bought C. will be bought D. are bought10. People have come to know that their health Wehavecometodedicateaportionof thatfield,asafinalrestingplaceforthose whoheregavetheir lives that thatnationmightlive. 我们是来奉献出土地的一部分给那些为使这个国

1. “to”充当不定式“to”充当不定式符号时,“come to”的含义为:达到或被带到某种状态或结果;开始对某人或某物产生某种感觉。1) to come to bear. 承担T..e 是f非连续性的动词.要表达他到中国两年了.用:He has been to China for two years.或He has been to China since 2 year ago.orHe came to China two yea

∪▂∪ come to do不是来到的意思理解为"逐渐地,慢慢地,开始做"have come to 完成时,已经变得,慢慢地havecome是什么时态具有这种语法功能的动词仅限于过渡性动词即表示从一个状态或位置转移到另一个状态或位置上去的动词havecome是什么时态是现在完成时。句型是have/has +


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