
make up搭配,make up for后面加什么

makeuponemind什么意思 2023-08-30 17:30 899 墨鱼

make up搭配,make up for后面加什么

2.makeup或make-up则是另一个意思make-up n.化妆不可数名词eye make-up眼妆put on/wear make-up化妆a make-up artist 化妆师She often wears make-up. 她经常化妆。3make up本身就是短语搭配。例如:Muslims make up 55% of the population. 扩展资料The pharmacist will make up your prescription. 药剂师会给你依处方配药。Can you make up a f

5.make up to 接近;巴结;向…求爱Jack tried to make up to his boss. 杰克试图讨好他的上司。6.make up for 补偿,弥补You should make up for lost time. 你应说把失去的1 make up 后面可以直接跟宾语。如:I think it's very unkind of you to make up stories about him.我认为你编造关于他的故事是很不友好的。2 make up 可以表示“补足(某数量)”;make up for 表

+▽+ make介词短语搭配1 1.make a good person 成为……人。如:He will make a good teacher. 他会成为一位好老师。If you train hard, you'll make a good footballer. 如果你努力make up几个含义及用法:(1)编、编造。其宾语通常为故事、诗歌、借口一类的名词。The teacher asked the students to make up a poem about Christmas. Not having a good e

make up的短语搭配:短语make up for 补偿; 弥补; Make-up artist 化装师; 扮装师;make-up 化装; 补考; 补充;make up to 接近; 巴结; 讨好; 向;Mode make-up 主make常见搭配有:make up 弥补;构成;编造。make out 辨认出;理解;写出。make way 让路;让出地方。make sense 讲得通;有意义;有道理。make作动词有“制造;使变得,使成为;制

?ω? 组成/化妆/补足/编造其他搭配:make up one's mind 下定决心例句1: I think it's very unkind of you to make up stories about him. 我认为你编造他的谣言很不厚道。——《柯林makeup的短语搭配make up的短语搭配:短语make up for 补偿; 弥补;Make-up artist 化装师; 扮装师;make-up 化装; 补考; 补充;make up to 接近;巴结; 讨


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