

get开头的短语 2023-12-09 10:40 649 墨鱼


talk用作名词时,可以与动词have-起构成短语'have a talk with', 意思是.和谈一谈”。如: May l have a talk with you?我可以和你谈一谈吗? 含talk的短语、固定搭配46. You'll be late ___ you don't get up early tomorrow morning. A. if B. when C. before 47. The scientist knows two languages. He can speak ___ Eng

补充知识点:初中含get 短语get up 起床/起立bai/打扮;安排;组织3 get to 到达| 开始du | 接触| 找到get up to 赶上;胜过zhi;读到get on 上车dao | 过活| 有进展初中get的短语搭配有:get up 起床;get to到达;get on 上车;get off 下车;get home 到家;get there 到达哪儿;get here 到达这儿;get to school 到达学校。扩展资料除以上外,

关于“get”的几个初中短语一、get on/along well with 与相处融洽;和和睦相处1、The students should get on/along well with each other. 同学们英语老师朱朱关注初中动词短语~get #初中英语怎么学2021-08-13 共1 条评论登录查看更多评论

+ω+ get out of the plane 走下飞机get off the bus 下公共汽车get into trouble 陷入麻烦get above oneself 自高自大get at a place 到达一个地方篇2:get短语搭配常用It will be 39.be interested in 对……感兴趣40.get bored 感到无聊41.be good at 在……方面擅长42.be afraid of 害怕43.each other 彼此互相44.instead of 代替而不是Unit 2 I thin

came along这个还好理解,get him along这个要译成横刀夺爱,真不知道是怎么译出来的。查了字典,没有动词get构成的短语动词1.get in touch with同……取得联系2.get up起床He gets up very early every day. 3.get back回来;取回1 will get back next weekend. 4.get on上车


标签: get的固定搭配短语大全初中



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