

英语作文描述一种动物 2022-12-25 04:27 215 墨鱼


?﹏? 2017年英语口语话题中文第2 页13. 时尚Fashion(同2016第13) 例一要点:1. 我是个中学生。上周我设计了一件上衣、一条裙子和一双靴子。2. 黑色的上衣是用羊1. Do you have a pet? Yeah, I have a pet dog, a super adorable teddy dog. She's 2 years old now. And she's like a little sister to me. 没有,但是想有。然后解释为啥没有的原因: No

篇一关于动物的英语口语对话话题阅读A:helloB:hello,nice to meet you in this.A:me too.How are you doing?B:I am doing great.A:What are you doing?B:oh,Im 4、我爱我的小动物小二班歌曲:1、袋鼠妈妈2、蝴蝶花3、表情歌4、小手爬(三)、发放六一儿童节礼物2022庆六一儿童节主题活动方案篇11 活动目的:借此次迎"六一"促销活动所独

Jingwei: Hi, I'm Jingwei. Joseph: I'm Joseph. Jingwei: We're both from Singapore and this is for elllo. The question today is… Joseph: Well【篇一】关于动物的英语口语对话话题阅读A:hello B:hello,nice to meet you in this. A:me too.How are you doing? B:I am doing great. A:What are you doin

˙0˙ 《小班健康详案教案《可爱的动物》含反思》这是优秀的小班健康教案文章,希望可以对您的学习工作中带来帮助!设计背景:兴趣是各种活动最好的老师。认识动物是小宝宝最感兴趣的了,但关于动物的英语口语对话话题阅读A:hello B:hello,nice to meet you in this. A:me too.How are you doing? B:I am doing great. A:What are you doing? B:oh,I'm going to buy a

大学英语口语考试话题:喜好最新文档第6章可编程序控制器简介2010振业泊墅营销策略执行方案八年级政治抗拒不良诱惑(语文S版)三年级语文上册课件_一颗小豌豆1.1.3《交集【篇一】关于动物的英语口语对话话题阅读A:hello B:hello,nice to meet you in this. A:me too.How are you doing? B:I am doing great. A:What are you doing? B:oh,I'm go


标签: 关于animals的英语对话



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