

space造句 2023-09-29 18:44 746 墨鱼


造句:Public servants should not accept bribes. Servant的英文解释: a person who is employed in another person's house, doing jobs such as cooking and cleaning, espe32、Still, it seemed that many of my customers didn't get the difference between server andservant. 33、Just then aservantentered with a note for Ja

(-__-)b 单词servant 例句大全,用单词servant造句:Theservantof Ares. 奎托斯,阿瑞斯的奴隶。Aservanton an errand 差遣仆人去办事advertise for aservant 登广告雇一个佣人A malservant英语造句,1、And Zilpah Leah's female servant bore Jacob a second son.12利亚的使女悉帕又给雅各生了第二个儿子。2、The servant wa

1. And Zilpah Leah's female servant bore Jacob a son. 10利亚的使女悉帕给雅各生了一个儿子。2. "Hanuman had the attitude of a servant. “哈奴曼是持着仆人的态度。3servant造句:Tell the servant to knock me up at five o'clock告诉仆人五点敲门叫醒我。扩展资料servant造句如下:They treat their mother like a servant他

1、Aservant, especially a domesticservant. 2、he buzzed theservant. 3、Slay him, myservant. 4、A pretty maid-servantand a hand some Boy-servant 5、a12. She was a lucky woman to have such a servant 他用了你这样的好奴才,也是他的福气。13. Then his master summoned him and said to him, 'You wicked servant! 於是主


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