

Takeaway有哪些意思 2023-12-09 10:39 512 墨鱼


stop by的翻译英[stɔp bai] 美[stɑp baɪ] stop by 基本解释顺便走访词典解释1. 顺便拜访;顺路探望If you stop by somewhere, you make a short visit to a person o请将“游客止步”(Tourists, Stop!)的英文翻译改成合适的译文。暂无答案

+△+ stop up───堵塞;塞住;熬夜stopped by───顺便访问;停在…近旁双语使用场景Perhaps I'll stop by the hospital.───也许我会顺路去一下医院。I'll stop by on my wstop by v. 顺便访问stop in v.顺便访问stop on 继续停留stop at nothing 毫无顾忌,不择手段;什么事都干得出来,无所不用其极Stop Bit 停止位相似单词stop v.[I,T] 1.(使)停止;停下2.(

However carefully hidden by the kids 即使孩子们怎样小心的隐藏But in the town, it was well known 但在镇子里,有件事众所周知When they got home at nigstop by 中文,stop by 意思,stop by 用法,stop by 翻译,swing by, swing by 中文,swing by 意思,swing by 用法,swing by 翻译,短暂拜访,顺道拜访英文,

stop by基本解释顺便走访网络释义1. 过来一会2. 偶然过访3. 顺便看望4. 顺便访问5. 路过6. 路过,逗留7. 顺便来访8. 顺便经过9. 过来看一下stop by的用法和例句提Once the protection has been stopped, you can modify the document's protection settings by selecting the options under the Editing Restrictions sect

?▂? stop by 美英na.顺便到(某处)访问;同“stop off”网络顺便到访问;顺便拜访;顺便访问第三人称单数:stops by现在分词:stopping by过去式:stopped by 同义词v. drop in,cal单词"stop by" 意为中途停留或顺便拜访。例句I'm going to stop by the store on my way home. (我在回家的路上会顺便去超市) She stopped by his office to say hello. (


标签: rewinding是什么意思



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