
outofstep课后答案课件,out of step 课后题答案

funohboy课文ppt 2023-12-12 12:46 586 墨鱼

outofstep课后答案课件,out of step 课后题答案

1、Out of step,Author The meaning of out of step Text structual The benefit of driving and walking The damage of always using cars Some suggestions,The author,Bill Brys(课件:播放黄梅戏选段——“树上的鸟儿成双对……夫妻双双把家还”。学生情不自禁,一起跟着附和起来。师:天有不测风云,王母娘娘知道了此事,将他俩隔开,这时

Unit 3 Out of step Vocabulary. 1. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words. (1)pleasant/comfortable; practically (2)very long;(places of )ph综合教学教程3-Unit3outofstep.ppt,Unit4 Pre-reading Activities - Audiovisual supplement 1 Pre-reading Activities - Audiovisual supplement 2 Video Scr

≥▂≤ Unit-3-out-of-stepPPT课件,Unit3OutofStepBillBrysonTrueorFalsequestions1.Thetopicofthispassageisabouttheimportanceofwalking.2.Theauthorandhiswifedon’twanttosettledowninUnit 3 Out of Step ppt课件下载积分:2800 内容提示:Unit 3 Out of Step step: walk out of step: out of walking; no longer walking Eg: He is out of s

1.通过多媒体课件、卡片学习并运用“want to”句型。2.设计自己的旅行计划,并发送电子邮件给笔友。教学过程:一、Warming up Greetings Good morning , boys and girls. Nice to 综合教程3-unit3outofstep课件系统标签:step教程audiovisualcarshabituatedjekes PPT学习交流Watchmovieclipfollowingquestions.911?AudiovisualSupplementC

综英unit3 out of step(课堂PPT)Unit3 OutofStep 1 TheAuthor:BillBryson(1951-)•Awell-knownAmericantravelwriterandhumorist •BillBrysoncan'tdecidewheretolive--England,Australia,Iowa,N需要金币:** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) 综合教程Unitoutofstep讲课文档.ppt 关闭预览想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文免费在线预览全文* * * * * * * *


标签: out of step 课后题答案



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