

值得做某事 2023-09-24 17:14 294 墨鱼


∪▽∪ 1. want to do sth. 想要做某事I want to buy a new computer this afternoon. 我想今天下午买台新电脑。2. would like to do sth. 想要做某事I would like20. practice doing 练习做某事(practice后面接动名词,这一点有可能考到) 如:She often practice speaking English. 她经常练习说英语。21. decide to do s

avoid doing sth. 是正确语法,意思是“避免做某事”。avoid,英语单词,及物动词,意为“避免;避开,躲避;消除”避免做某事英语避免做某事:avoid doing sth/escape doing sth/abstain from doing sth/get out of。例句:你应该避免做某事。You should avoid doing sth. 例句:1. 你应该避免做某

1. avoid doing 避免做某事Avoid crossing this street at rush hours. 避免在交通拥挤时间穿越这条街道。2. consider doing 考虑做某事Would you consider working in New Yorkkeep sb.from doing sth. 或者stop sb.(from) doing sth. 或者prevent sb.to do sth. 三个都是阻止某人做某事的意思

≥﹏≤ 1. want to do sth. 想要做某事I want to buy a new computer this afternoon.我想今天下午买台新电脑。2. would like to do sth.想要做某事I would like to invite you to come t1. avoid doing 避免做某事Avoid crossing this street at rush hours. 避免在交通拥挤时间穿越这条街道。2. consider doing 考虑做某事Would you consider working in New York


标签: 防止做某事英文



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