
have got造句,be good to造句简单七年级

什么情况下have got可以代替have 2023-12-11 14:36 609 墨鱼
什么情况下have got可以代替have

have got造句,be good to造句简单七年级

29、Ihave gotmy hands full already with all kinds of work, and haven't got the time for any more. 30、We have been there, we have seen it, done it an例句:I have got a headache.(我头疼了。2. 表示拥有某种财产或物品例句:She has got a new car.(她买了一辆新车。3. 表示拥有某种能力或技能例句:He has got a talent

用have got造句1. I have got a cat named Mittens. She is very playful and loves to cuddle. 2. My sister has got a new job at a local bakery. She has always loved No, thanks. Ihave gota bit of cough. 不谢谢。我有点咳嗽。If she did, she wouldhave gotbitten. 如果她大声命令,狗就可能咬她。英文例句大全为您提供have got英文例句

have got造句1、Ihave gotwell. 2、Ihave gotstickers. 3、Ihave gota taro. Youhave gota cake. 4、Ihave got8 birthdays. 5、Youhave gota fever. 6、Ihave I have got a book.意思跟I have a book.是一样的.都是我有一本书.have got 是有的意思~ 21940 have got to造句I have got to know the meaning of this wor

have got造句复制1、Youhave gota fever.(你发烧了。2、Ihave gotso much body.(我有这么多身体。3、Preparationshave gotunder way for a week of special events in Ihavegotacat我有一只猫Ihavegotabook.我有一本书Ihavegotadog.我有一只狗Ihavegotapen.我有一支


标签: be good to造句简单七年级



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