
用shed a light on造句,look around造句简单

用settle down造句 2023-02-26 07:54 798 墨鱼
用settle down造句

用shed a light on造句,look around造句简单

21、The findings, published online September 13 in Nature Cell Biology,shed light onthe basic mechanisms involved not only in formation of skin, but1. A new approach offers an answer, and may shed light on an even bigger question. 一种新方法提供一个答案,而且可能阐明更大的问题。2. 由有道智云提供数据服务2The

Few South Africans think Mr Zuma’s explanations shed light on the subject. “shed”这个词有很多意思,但是如果和“light”搭配,它只能表示“发出”。因此,“shed light on”您正在访问Amazon,也可以在亚马逊中国网站上购买数以百万计的商品,并享受当地快速配送服务。单击此处以转至amazon.cn 登录即享最佳体验登录即享最佳体验立即登录游戏配件头戴式耳机

例句1:These discoveries may shed light onthe origins of the universe.这些发现会有助于理解宇宙的起源。例句2:The research may also shed light onthe genetic underpinningBut being a survivor of this horror lets me able to shed light on the heroes. The Guardian (2015) The new work may help shed light on the complex interaction be

ˋ▽ˊ shed light on造句1、he finally saw the light; can you shed light on this problem?有您的加入讨论,我们期望得到灵感。2、However, the report also shed light on some 单词shed light on 释义单词释义:为…提供线索;对…透露情况;使…清楚地显出;阐明…更多..] 单词造句

The sun shed warmth and light.太阳散发出热和光。The candle shed a faint light in the room.房间里蜡烛发出微弱的光亮。The torch shed a bright light on the path ah“shed”这个词有很多意思,但是如果和“light”搭配,它只能表示“发出”。因此,“shed light on”就是“发光”的意思。但是,这个习惯用语在句中不能仅从字面


标签: look around造句简单



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