
用consist of造句,用satisfy造句

ardent造句简单 2024-01-04 11:56 241 墨鱼

用consist of造句,用satisfy造句

用consist of 造句造一句话. 优质解答All electronic computers consist of five units although they are of different kinds.电子计算机虽然种类不同,但它consist of造句1. The task consists of organizing the conference and inviting guest speakers. 2. The recipe consists of mixing flour, sugar, butter, and eggs. 3

consist of 美英v.由…合成网络由……组成;由…构成;包括第三人称单数:consists of现在分词:consisting of过去式:consisted of 英汉英英网络释义v. 1. 由…组成,由…electronic computers consist of five units although they are of different kinds.电子计算机虽然种类不同,但它们都是由五个部件组成的。

●▂● 1、Calendars consist of time intervals. 2、This lagoon "divider" consist of sand . 3、Substances consist of small particles called molecules. 4、Whaconsist of用法及造句consist of 意思是“由…组成,由…构成,包括”,考查点是不可以用在被动语态中,其非谓语动词形式作定语时,只能用consisting of, 例如:

类型英语造句1、With a conventional mortgage, the paymentsconsist of both capital and interest.(一般的抵押借款,偿还包括本金和利息两部分。2、Your friendshipsconsi1、Itconsists ofthree operators. 2、The UN family of organizationsconsists of: 3、A computerconsists ofthousands of components. 4、Companionate lovec

单词:consist of的单词意思解释释义由组成与单词:consist of 相关的例句或者名人名言The throwing events consist of javelin, discus, hammer and shot. 投掷项目1、Calendarsconsist oftime intervals. 2、This lagoon "divider"consist ofsand . 3、Substancesconsist ofsmall particles called molecules. 4、What does


标签: 用satisfy造句



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