

Pardon造句 2023-06-11 18:26 842 墨鱼


以下是nearby造句初中1.There is a supermarket nearby my house. (我家附近有一家超市。2.She lives nearby so she can walk to school. (她住在附近所以可以步行去上学nearby造句1.nearby was a factory which exuded a pungent smell.(附近是一家散发出一种刺鼻气味的工厂。7.An owl hooted nearby.(一只猫头鹰在附近啼叫。

╯ω╰ nearby造句"nearby"是什么意思A bird chirpednearbysomewhere . 一只小鸟在附近什么地方吱吱地叫着。Did george washigton sleepnearby? 乔治华盛顿在附近过过夜吗?The l1.(靠近某地的) nearby; neighbouring 四、【短语造句】1. 我看见附近一个人都没有。2. 卡斯帕在壁炉架附近徘徊。3. 一条小溪穿过附近的树林。4. 附近有一

be nearby造句1、Although they seem tobe nearby. 2、A supernatural influence felt tobe nearby. 3、Technology enables them tobe nearbyone another eve31.Thenearbyrestaurant keeps an excellent table. 附近那家餐馆菜肴上乘。- 来源-- 英汉- 辞典例句好评(14)差评() 32.We went to anearbytown. 我们到附近的一个镇上去

(ˉ▽ˉ;) nearby造句复制1、nearbywas a factory which exuded a pungent smell.(附近是一家散发出一种刺鼻气味的工厂。2、Her yell sentnearbygrouse running for cover.(她的喊单词nearby 例句大全,用单词nearby造句:approachnearby. 近距离穿越Is there any churchnearby? 附近有教堂吗?Is there any restaurantnearby? 附近有餐馆吗?Are there a

nearby造句简单英语1、Her mother lived in a nearby town.她母亲住在附近一个小镇上。2、The car is parked nearby.车就停在附近。3、An owl hooted nearby.一只猫头鹰在附近nearby英语造句,1、However, by 1750, hunters had also targeted nearby sea otter populations.然而,到了1750年,猎人们也开始瞄准附近的海獭种


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