12-11 870
用whose造句子 |
think 造句1.I think it's important to have a positive attitude no matter what happens in life. 2.I think that having a good attitude and strong will power is a k1、I just can't think of his name 我就是想不起来他叫什么了。2、He was her distant relative, as was everyone else on the island, come to think of i
think主谓宾造句1、I think you are right.我认为你是对的。2、I think I love you.我认为我爱你。3、I think I'd like to watch TV right now. 4、I'm sorry,but I don'tthink. 动词. 认为,以为,想,思考例句:I think she is beautiful 我认为她很漂亮thought. 名词. 想法,看法,主意,思想例句:I have a thought 我有一个想法
>▽< think造句复制1、IthinkI've buggered the computer.(我想我把计算机搞坏了。2、Ithinkyou overestimate me, Fred.(我想你把我看高了,弗雷德。3、IthinkI'd better go I think the same of him as you do .我对他的看法和你对他的看法一样。It's difficult to find think in a sentence. 用think造句挺难的He was surprised and blasted by
●0● 13、Think impassability just don't understand it,think, and how? 14、Ithinkyou'd betterthinkit over before doing it. 15、I don'tthinkit's fair. Youtthink造句I certainly think there should be a ban on tobacco advertising 我确实认为应该禁止香烟广告。i dont think造句3个1. I dont think Tom actual
think 造句/ 例句1. Ithinkwe're being followed. 我认为有人跟踪我们。《牛津词典》2. Ithinkyou are mentally tired. 我觉得你的头脑累了。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》单词think 例句大全,用单词think造句:Thinkbig, thenthinkbigger. 立大志,然后立更大的志Thinkgypsy violins.Thinkcastanets. 想想吉普赛小提琴,想想响板,想想斗牛舞。Whe
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标签: 用birthday造句子
12-11 870
英文字母U,大写U,小写u,字母名称音 ,音标[ju:] 英文字母U的来源 字母U系由字母V派生而来。在19世纪以前的数百年间,这两个字母就如I和J,一直可以换用,在英语辞书上一直不加以区分。...
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字母的五行归类 属:O,C,D,G,J,R,P 属:I,H,K,L,Y 属:B,Q,S,U,W 属:A,M,N,V,X 属:E,F,T,Z 如果要分阴阳,A,C,E,G,I,K,M,O,Q,S,U,W,Y的阴阳都是阳。B,D,F,H,J,L,N,P,T,V,X,Z的阴阳都...
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在您为好友添加圈圈标签后,会通过小纸条和信息中心好友操作消息通知该好友,在其空间相册的“圈圈照片”栏中显示该照片。 如何给他人的相片添加圈圈? 本功能暂时仅在QQ空间中...
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相联存储器(CMA):在计算机系统中,相联存储器主要用于虚拟存储器中存放段表、页表和快表以及高速缓冲存储器中的查找。 时间局部性:指当程序访问一个存储位置时,有很大的可能性程序会...
12-11 870