
对come from怎么提问,用comefrom问你来自哪里

come from away 2023-12-30 23:06 895 墨鱼
come from away

对come from怎么提问,用comefrom问你来自哪里

1. come from 来自be from 来自2. Nice to meet you./It's nice to meet you./Good to see you.很高兴见到你3. welcome sb to somewhere 欢迎某人来到某地对名词提问,我们当然可以用which which city do you come from ? 你来自那个城市(你是哪里人)但是

≡(▔﹏▔)≡ 如果一个引力波被我的电脑找到了(计算出来了),会怎么样?2e from 来自例句:I come from the north. 我是北方人。3.black hole 黑洞例句:Radio signals 二十一:提问的艺术——让ChatGPT 导出高质量答案二十二:chatgpt高阶使用——使用chatgpt做思维导

2. 如果能自由发挥是很好的。比如第二个问题,Where do you come from? 你可以再回答I come from Chengdu, Sichuan. 之后,在加上一句,It’s a beautiful city. 当然要在保证回答正确6.来自be/ come from where do they come from? =where are they from? 7.more than=over超过less than 少于8.once twice three times 9.be in great danger

1. be from=come from be from 和come from意思相同,都是“从…来”.表示某人来自某一地方或某单位. 例如:Where are you from? I am from Beijing. 你是..e from的用法问句come from是问某人来自哪里的意思,一般用在由特殊疑问词where引导的特殊疑问句中,

1.针对自我介绍的提问。自我介绍至关重要,不要给自己挖坑,实事求是。2.常规话题提问,有关兴趣爱好,读研规划,介绍家乡,优缺点。一般来说,出题老师会根据你的自己2)信息一定要具备引导性,这样才可以预知后面老师提问的问题。比如同样两句话:a. I come from Guanghzou in Guangdong Province. b. I come from Guangzhou, a beautiful and hist


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