
makeacontributiontodoing造句,get away造句

avoid doing sth造句 2023-12-02 11:38 817 墨鱼
avoid doing sth造句

makeacontributiontodoing造句,get away造句

eg:You'd better finish doing your homework tonight. 你最好今晚完成家庭作业。15.Make a contribution to doing sth. 在……做贡献eg:We will try our beOur class decided tomake a contribution tohelping some of the poor families in town. 我们班决定捐赠点东西来帮助城里的一些贫苦人家。英文例句大全为您提供make a con

●▽● and …I have made up my mind to …I am not sure whether/if…I would rather …than …It doesn’t matter if…Thank you for v-ing.make a difference to 对…产生影响If ever1. If you want to make a contribution to doing good in the world, volunteer at a local shelter. (如果你想为世界奉献出一份力量,可以去当志愿者) 2. We need everyone

We must make a contribution to protecting the environment.我们必须为保护环境作出贡献。来自互联网We should make a contribution to keeping our school cleHaving a business allows you to make a contribution to society. 拥有企业使你能对社会有所贡献. We must make a contribution to protecting the environment. 我们必

中文,make a contribution to doing sthbe beneficial to doing sth.Reading a lot is beneficial to (improving) your english.be beneficial to do sth.如:I网络释义1. 为……做贡献跪求!英语好的来!百度知道regard…as …视为,把……看做……make a contribution to doingsth为……做贡献(苍蝇)- …zhidao.baidu|基

1、It's expected that you have an opinion, and there are multiple opportunities to reallymake a contribution tothe company and to society.(公司期待你拥有自己的观The rich manmade a contribution tothe school. 那名富翁捐助了那所学校。


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