

Chinese造句 2023-06-10 14:18 535 墨鱼


第三人称单数是jobs,复数是jobs,现在分词是jobbing,过去式是jobbed,过去分词是jobbed。Job有两个读音分别是英:dʒəʊb],美:dʒoʊb]。job的同义词为work、labour、toil。二、jo单词job 例句大全,用单词job造句:Goodjob. Goodjob. 做的好,做的好。a good lead for ajob. 工作的好兆头a new home and a newjob. 新家和新工作Hisjobis as easy as ABC

+△+ job造句1、Gie me a summary of your currentjobdescription. 对你目前的工作,能否做个根据的说明。2、He lost hisjoband on top of that his wife left him. 他失业了,除god job造句简单1、A good job is out of the question.(一份好工作是不可能的。2、Everyone can do a good job.(每个人都能做好工作。3、He studies hard and hopes to

Imagine this pencil is a magic wand . now create yourdream job 如果这支笔是一根魔法棒,现在你来描绘一下你的理想工作。It's difficult to seedream jobin a sentencejob造句1、Job information,jobstatus, activity levels, etc. 2、Give everyone ajob. 3、An importunatejobseeker. 4、Labour protection;jobsafety 5、Fir

job造句复制1、You haven't chucked yourjob!(你还没有辞掉你的工作! 2、She likes herjob.(她爱她的工作。3、In order to take thatjob, you must have left anotherjob.(为了去做那份工作,6.Leo was devoted to his job.利奥忠于职守。7.I was proficient at my job.我对工作很精通。8.This job absorbs all of my time.这件工作占有了我的全部时间。9.She was

∩▂∩ job造句1. She was looking for a job. 2. He applied for the job. 3. She got the job. 4. He was offered the job. 5. She was interviewed for the job. 6. He was hiredjob造句1.You havent chucked your job!(你还没有辞掉你的工作!2.She likes her job.(她爱她的工作。4.His brothers just lost his job.(他的兄弟刚丢了工作


标签: manager造句简单



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