

pair造句并翻译 2023-10-01 21:39 404 墨鱼


翻译:他几乎造不出合乎语法的句子。例句:The judge imposed a stiffsentence. 翻译:法官做出了严厉的判决。例句:Use the indicative mood to make asentence. 翻译:请用陈述语气造句。sentences是什么意思_sentences中文翻译_常见例句sentences 【基本解释】n. 句子;判决vt. 宣判;判决【详细释义】n. (名词)宣判,判决,课刑句子,句主张,意见【数、逻

A sentence, a lifetime , a cup of wine.一句话,一辈子,一生情,一杯酒。An accomplice received a sevenyear sentence.一名从犯被判7年。He can an accurate translati这个句子翻译错了。6He broke off in the middle of a sentence. 他一句话说了一半就不说了。7The judge has the final say on the sentence. 法官对判决有最后的决定权。

sentence ['sentəns] n.句子,判决vt.宣判,判决例句与用法:I'm not satisfied with his interpretation of thissentence. 我不太满意他对这个句子的翻译。Thesentenceosentence to five years 被判刑五年用作名词(n.) 动词+~ add a sentence 加上一个句子analyze a sentence 分析句子build a sentence 造句carry out a sentence 执

This sentence doesn't make sense. 这个句子不通。The judge will pronounce sentence today. 法官将于今天宣判。The sentence had been wrongly translated. 这个句子翻31. construct a factory, an aircraft, a model, a sentence, a theory 建工厂;造飞机;制作模型;造句;建立理论-- 来源-- 汉英- 翻译参考好评(15) 差评() 32. To

sentence英语造句,1、He received a reduce sentence on appeal.因上诉他的服刑期被减少。2、The structure of the sentence is strange.这个句sentence的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:详尽释义n. (名词) 宣判,判决,课刑句子,句主张,意见【数、逻】命题【音】乐句<古>警句,格言,谚语查看更多v. (动


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