
be present后面用什么介词,present出席短语

present前面要加the吗 2023-09-25 10:54 182 墨鱼

be present后面用什么介词,present出席短语

be present───出席;在场;莅;临present to───赠送,给予;出现在;向…介绍…to present───呈现present tense to be───现在时态be present at───出席,在席be2、present也可作“介绍”“引见”解,多用于涉及的人地位高低不等的场合。3、present可作“赠送,给予”解,此时多接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to的宾

be presented后加不同的介词表达的意思不同,具体如下:1、Sth. be presented to sb. 某物被颁给某人2、Sb. be preHow many people were present at the meeting yesterday. They is present in the classroom.be present 出

present作形容词表示“出席的,到场的”“存在的,含有的”时在句中主要用作表语,偶尔用作定语,一般须后置。表示“现在的,目前的,现行的”“正在处理或讨论中的”时只用作前置定语。aThey is present in the classroom.be present 出席的.到场的,存在的,in at 取决于其后的名词本站是提供个人知识管理的网络存储空间,所有内容均由用户发布,不

be present 在场;到场;出席双语例句Vitamin C helps your body utilize the iron present in your diet.维生素C帮助机体吸收饮食中的铁质。It had taken h网络出现在……面前;出现在之中;参与网络释义1. 出现在……面前Unit 2 English around the world3 - at present 现在;目前be present to出现在……面前for the pre

一般都是在询问出席情况时用。比如Who is ansent today?今天谁缺席。Everyone is present today。指大家今天都来了。absent后可以接介词from,比如说开会没了是be absent from the m2. 表示“出席的,在场的”时为形容词,作定语时常后置,常用词组为:be present at the meeting出席会议。例如:Will you be present at the meeting to be held


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