
set up造句简单,set up造句

beharmfulto造句简单 2023-12-30 22:35 159 墨鱼

set up造句简单,set up造句

Please call up me when you arrive.We want to set up a English club.He looks for jobs by putting up advertisement.We usually help old peop。用call Itdoesn'tmatterhowmanytimesyoufail.Whatmattersishowmanytimesyoustandupandtryagain.失败多少次不重要,重要的是你能重新站起来多少次,并且继续前行。Amanc

英语单词造句1 Book 1, Unit 1 Friendship 1. ⑴Add up all the numbers, and you will know how many scores you get in this examination papers.(祈使句+and +陈述句) 吧这些sign up造句简单1、People cansignupto be an organ donor when they renew or get their license. 当更新或得到的许可后人们可以注册成为器官捐献者。2、The concept is si

set up 造句【一】1 . 暴风骤雨之后天空中竟然出现了太阳公公的笑脸。刘烨君) 2 . 在新年的夜晚,小孩子玩烟花,大人们在一旁聊天,这些都透露出欢乐的气氛。3单词Set Up 例句大全,用单词Set Up造句:You mustset upsome specific object to benefit the agricultural interest. 你们务必确立某些使农业受惠的具体目标。Why don't yo

set up造句复制1、Jacques Delors wants a systemset upto channel funds to the poor countries.(雅克·迪洛斯想要建立一种体制,以便调拨资金帮助穷国。2、The scheme h1、Don'tset upbases. 2、set up[establish] an alibi 3、LINCOLN: we wereset up. 4、Let'sset upthe tent. 5、set upa barrier between 6、He stopped andse


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