
in hundreds of,hundred of的用法

a hundred of 2023-09-24 10:47 664 墨鱼
a hundred of

in hundreds of,hundred of的用法

1、Hundreds of students participated in the paign. 成百上千的学生参加了这场运动。2、Bankers and clockmakers have coexisted in the City for hundreds of years. 银1. 百元的出国英文集训- 磨房“In hundreds.”百元的“How much do you want to change?”你要换多少doyouhike.net|基于28个网页2. 成百的not on

6.Hundreds of soldiers died in this bloody battle. 成百上千的战士在这场血战中牺牲. 7.The railway traverses hundreds of miles of desert. 这条铁路贯穿数百英里的沙漠修饰时,只有它后边的名词是复数.例:two hundred cows 两百头奶牛.当hundred 与of连用时,它后边的名词和它本身都用复数.例:hundreds of cows几百头奶牛.hundreds能用在介词短

Hundreds, tens, and ones CCSS.Math:2.NBT.A.1.a,2.NBT.A.1.b,2.NBT.A.1,2.NBT.A Google Classroom Problem Complete the equations. 247=247 =247=247, equals2222hundredsBritannica English:Translation ofhundredfor Arabic Speakers Britannica:Encyclopedia article abouthundred Last Updated: 21 Sep 2023 - Updated example sentences

美英na.好几百网络数以百计的;许许多多;成百上千的英汉网络释义na. 1. 好几百,许许多多释义:全部,好几百,数以百计的,许许多多,成百上千的必应词典应用准确权威无广hundreds of,用来表示含糊的数目,是“成百上千”之意,不是准确数字,只形容数量之多,前面不加数字。如hundreds of books,成百本书;hundreds of soldiers,数百名战士。Hundreds

hundred of和hundreds of的区别为:使用场合不同、含义不同、用法不同。一、使用场合不同1.hundred of 解析:hundrhundreds of,用来表示含糊的数目,是“成百上千”之意,不是准确数字,只形容数量之多,前面不加数字。如hundreds of books,成百本书;hundreds of soldiers,数百名战士。Hundred


标签: hundred of的用法



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