

节假日值班说明 2023-10-01 14:30 992 墨鱼


值日:“值”是值班;“日”是当日需要处理的事务工作。那么你知道值日用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。值日的英语说法1: duty 值日的英语说法2: on duty 值日的相关短语:on duty 值班,值日,上班例:There was a guard on duty.有一个保安在值班。It's your turn

≥﹏≤ “值班”的英文:Be on duty duty 读法英['djuːti]   美['duːti]n. 义务;职责;责任;税;关税例句1、He is on night duty three days a week沪江词库精选值班的英语怎么说、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息be on duty 相似短语on duty adv.值班,上班be on duty 上班sea duty n. 海外勤务,出海勤务the line of duty n.值勤off dut

∩0∩ on duty day───值班日on your───在你的on night duty───值夜班be on duty───上班I was on duty───我当时在值班night porter on duty───值夜班的搬运值日的英文翻译基本释义be on duty for the day daily duty 参考释义值日的用法和样例:例句我刚好在春节那天值日。I'm on duty as from the Spring Day. 今天谁值日?W

∩▂∩ 例句释义:全部更多例句筛选值班的英文:be on duty 参考例句:Stay on guard. 留下来值班。There is a nurse in attendance. 有一位护士值班。The switchboard operator is on duty from6to9. 电话总

原句:可轮流值班翻译:Can turn on each other 轮流值班:ake turns at keeping watch;take turns on duty;be on duty by turns 节假日轮流值班holiday rotat中文值日值班英语翻译On duty涉及到:高考单词(3), #CET4单词(3), #考研单词(3), 高考:On, duty, on CET4:On, duty, on 考研:On, duty, on 相关英语单词O


标签: 节假日值班记录



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