

come造句 2023-06-13 19:13 417 墨鱼


move in的汉语翻译基本解释搬进,迁进相关例句ph. 1. We have just moved in. 我们才刚搬进来。情景对话租房A:You can move your stuff in (tomorrow/ thwere造句1. We were so excited about our upcoming family vacation that we had been planning for months. 2. We were both surprised by how well the experiment turne

用river造句子导读1.Ducks were swimming around on the river.(鸭子在河面上游来游去。2.He headed downhill toward the river.(他朝山脚下的小河走去。造accommodations造句复制1、The Rough Guide to Paris listsaccommodationsfor as little as $35 a night.(《巴黎旅游简明指南》列出了价格低至每晚$35的住宿。Hao86 2

There were roughly 200 people there. 那里大约有两百人。There were nearly 70000 spectators. 观众近七万人。there are造句并翻译5个There are intangiblI wouldn't worry about it, if I were you. 如果我是你,我就不会担心。He is, as it were, a walking dictionary. 他可说是个活字典。If I were in your shoes. 如果我站

∩0∩ 【英文翻译】accomplish sth. Lasting by leading a quiet life; Keep cool and you'll win 宁静致远的意思解析及用法造句2 此句最早出自西汉初年刘安的《淮南2、用"therewasno""therewereno造句" 3、Theywerephotographedandhadtheirfingerprintstaken.他们被拍了照,还被提取了指纹。扩展资料:be动词与系动词的区别:4

╯▽╰ 28、Theywereathomelastnight. 29、用"therewasno""therewereno造句" 30、Thoughhetriedtomakeconversationwiththelady,hewasn"tinterestedinheratheart." 31、但它可以让我在世界用were造句5个简单1. If I were a bird, I would fly high in the sky and explore the world from a different perspective. 2. If he were more organized, he would be a


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