
close to you歌词翻译,close to me歌词

close to me翻译 2023-08-29 09:20 100 墨鱼
close to me翻译

close to you歌词翻译,close to me歌词

just like me,they long to be close to you 他们都和我一样渴望靠近你;On the day thay you were born 在你出生的那一天,the angles got together 天使们齐Close to you Woo close to you Carpenter 何珊歌词大意只要你一靠近为何鸟儿突然出现就像我一样他们也渴望接近你只要你一走近为何星星从天而降就像我一样他

Close to you 靠近你On the day that you were born 你降临到这世上的那天The angels got together and decided To create a dream come true 天使们齐聚一堂Together,you and I will always be alive,connected,close to you i'll stay想再一次与你同一次欢笑,直到,永恒的结局As long as I can hold your hand again

经典之二《Close To You》这首也是成名作之一,也是作品中我最喜欢的,旋律与歌词-充满了浪漫和美好。为何每次你的出现,都会引得鸟儿悄然而来……歌词表现的是少女对爱的憧憬,本2.close to you 歌手:莫文蔚why to birds suddenly appear every time you are near just like me ,they long to be close to you why to stars fall down fr

close to you 能够靠近你on the day that you were born 在你出生的那天the angels get together 天使聚集在一起and decided to creat a dream come true Close to You 歌手:Lucian / Jasmine Sokko I like to think that we’re planets in space 我愿意相信我们是太空中的星球Rotating in circles repeating the


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