
hold against,hold的词组搭配

Hold back 2023-01-12 16:14 782 墨鱼
Hold back

hold against,hold的词组搭配

hold against​Definitions and Synonyms phrasal verbtransitive​usually in negatives Word Forms +- DEFINITIONS1 1 (hold something against someone)tofeelangrywith sHold against也有两个意思。例如,I can hold the pen against my chest. 我可以把笔放在胸前。但是hold against还有另一个完全不同的意思:怀恨。如:You hold it against them tha

hold against 英美vt.使影响hold against的用法和样例:例句用作及物动词(vt.) They have found a way to insulate themselves against the cost ofHe will hold the paper steady while you draw.你作画时他来按纸。We hold that no country should interfere in the internal of other countries.我们认为一国不应干涉他国的内

╯▂╰ hold against vt.使影响,因对抱有成见相关短语vertical tabulation character (VT) 垂向制表字符,垂直列表字符thermal movement (构件因温度变化而膨胀或收缩) 热移动Mhold against什么意思,hold against翻译基本解释v.: 指责网络:因某事对某人抱有意见;暂时填补;因…对抱成见英汉解释指责计较;因为…而责怪;以…为借口攻击把…勾搭上

hold against的定义——柯林斯英语词典New from Collins vaneorveinorvain? Drag the correct answer into the box. vein vane vain I was singing in aeffort to cheer hihold against 因…而怪怨;由于…而怀恨hold together 使团结;使和睦相处hold back 阻挡;阻止;储备;保留;隐瞒;抑制住,忍住(眼泪、笑声等);(使)犹豫;(使)退缩;h


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