
come out first,how come

come out from 2023-09-24 20:31 854 墨鱼
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come out first,how come

这里我们也可以使用come first on the list 来表达首屈一指的意思,也可以用来表述获得第一名的意思。come out first come out first 获得第一名,得到冠军I didn't expect John..e out first发音意思翻译得第一名;获胜相似词语短语come out───出现;出版;结果是;出来;出现;出版;出狱come out───出现;出版;结果是l come first───

网络释义1. 考第一名first of all come in first 获第一名come out first赢,获胜;考第一名from first to last 自始至终;一直dict.yqie|基于14个网页2e out first 英[kʌm aut fə:st] 美[kʌm aʊt fɚst] 释义赢,获胜,考第一名;占鳌头;独占鳌头;鳌头独占点击金山快译,了解更多人工释义释义

Dana: Every drink from here would come out of our own funds. Dana:既然要花钱,不如就多来点花样。Dana: So if we're gonna spend money, we might as well get more varietyYou're out of the game, Barrett.Come on! 你出局了,巴拉特。来吧!now, when Belle and I come out that door 当我和贝儿从大门出来的时候还有6个视频例句相关词汇

come out first的用法和样例:例句They just pulled the game out of the fire. 他们好不容易赢了比赛。Our team won the toss so we play first. 我们的队扔硬币赢了,因此..e out first 英文come out first 中文得第一名


标签: how come



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