
write down怎么读,make sure怎么读

ask for怎么读 2023-08-28 10:58 962 墨鱼
ask for怎么读

write down怎么读,make sure怎么读

write down 英['raɪtdaʊn]美['raɪtˌdaʊn] 写下;减低帐面价值write down的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:参考翻译写下来英英释义write down的用法和样例:write down 每日打卡10分钟,词汇量将突破极限。词表可中英文自测,通过游戏轻松加深记忆。从四六级到托福、GRE词汇,词典中有海量例句和视频。单词本…write down 重复播放

单词:write down音标:rait daun] 读音write down的发音:单词解释写下;减低帐面价值;把…描写成与write down 相关的例句Hewrotedowneveryword theteachersaid. 他把老师write down怎么读:英[rait daun] 美[raɪt daʊn] write down是什么意思:写下;记下;视为;贬低(地位、重要性等) write down的例句和用法Write down your address at the check back please

(#`′)凸 write down 美英na.写下来;贬低;减低账面价值;摊提资产第三人称单数:writes down现在分词:writing down过去式:wrote down过去分词:written down 英汉英英na. 1. 写下来,write down 英[rait daun] 美[raɪt daʊn] 释义写下;记下;视为;贬低(地位、重要性等) 点击金山快译,了解更多人工释义实用场景例句全部On the morning before starting

?﹏? 2. Write down (in order of priority) the qualities you'd like to have. (按先后顺序)写下你所希望拥有的品质。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》3. Write down the sort of thiwrite-down 美英v.写下;记下网络减记;减值;贬值复数:write-downs 英汉英英网络释义v. 1. 写下;记下1. Althoughthesizeofthewritedowniswelcome,euro-zoneleadersared


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