

dusk造句 2023-12-12 13:21 437 墨鱼


双语例句1. I sing with someone induet. 我和某人唱二重唱. 来自《简明英汉词典》2. I sang aduetat a Karaoke bar. 在卡拉ok厅唱二重唱. 来自《简明英汉词典》3. I sing with Mike induetduet[djuˈet] 中文翻译1 n. 二重奏;二重唱2 n. (Duet)人名;法)迪埃英语释义1 n. two performers or singers who perform together 2 n. a musical composition for two

A duet is a piece of music sung or played by two people. duet 单语例句duet的翻译1. His duet with Celine Dion in " The Prayer " for the movie " Quest for Camelot duet的用法和样例:例句用作名词(n.) There is a piano duet by two Italians. 有意大利人的钢琴二重奏。The duet reached a climax in a string of tense

单词DUET 例句大全,用单词DUET造句:I would even like to be able to sing aduetwith myself. 我还想跟自己一起演唱。A case of patentduetus arteriosus associated by ab英[djuːˈet] n.二重奏(曲);二重唱(曲) 网络二人的重唱;对唱;合唱复数:duets 权威英汉双解英汉英英网络释义duet 显示所有例句n. 1. 二重奏(曲);二重唱(曲)a piece of

常见例句I sing with someone in duet.我和某人唱二重唱. I sang a duet at a Karaoke bar.在卡拉ok厅唱二重唱. I sing with Mike in duet.我和迈克唱二重唱。I sing with duet/djuˈet/ CET6,IELTS,TOEFL 基本释义Aduetis a piece of music sung or played by two people. n. 二重奏,二重唱外刊例句What they found was that singers stayed more o

英汉例句I sing with someone in duet.我和某人唱二重唱. I sang a duet at a Karaoke bar.在卡拉ok厛唱二重唱. I sing with Mike in duet.我和邁尅唱二重唱。I sing with duet 翻译duet 翻译:二重奏释义:n. 二重奏;二重唱n. (Duet)人名;法)迪埃例句:This piano duet is a hallowed performance. 这场钢琴二重奏堪称殿堂级表演。©2022 Bai


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