

非谓语动词造句英语翻译 2023-09-05 16:45 140 墨鱼


四、with或without+名词/代词+非谓语动词1、with或without+名词/代词+动词不定式,此时,不定式表示将发生的动作。例句:1.With no one to talk to, John felt miserable.由于没人在英语学习中,非谓语动词是一个十分重要的知识点。那么,对于非谓语动词,有哪些需要着重练习的经典例句?北外网课(北京外国语大学网络课堂)老师特别对此进行了归

ˇ0ˇ 一个农民,在1800年,使用镰刀,在一天内可望收割五分之一公顷小麦。When Chow En-Lai's door opened/ they saw a slender man/ of more than average height/ with gleaming eyes/ a非谓语结构与例句(一) 1.try to do sth.尽力做某事,尝试做某事:He is trying to learn English by himself。2.tryone’s besttodo sth.尽最大努力做某事He is trying his be

1、非谓语动词句子翻译1. 花很香,很快就卖完了2. 如未被邀请我是不会去参加这个聚会的3. 他很用功,成为班上最好的学生之一Smelling sweet, the flowers 57.我们被领着看了实验室,又被带着去看了图书馆。Having been shown around the lab, we were taken to see the library. 58.他由于没做完功课就不出去玩。Not having fini

非谓语动词例句50句带翻译【一】1 . 我迅速地打扫起来,顿时,教室里如同下了雾一样闷得人透不过气来。2 . IfthisisnottheendifIstillloveyou如果这不是结局如考研英语非谓语动词翻译练习及答案1 1.与过去相比,现在学校更加重视( lay emphases)对学生能力的培养,不是仅仅关心考试成绩。more than) Compared with the

不定式作目的状语:I pat it to show my love.非谓语动词作定语现在分词作定语:The boy(who is )crying is my friend.过去分词作定语:The glass broken by my br(1)把非谓语动词直接译成名词例:When that happens, it is not a mistake: it is mankind''s instinct for moral reasoning in action, an instinct that should be encouraged ra


标签: 非谓语动词造句带翻译



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