

用bat造句子简单 2023-09-19 16:57 338 墨鱼


单词mother 例句大全,用单词mother造句:When arrangingmother's belongings she left, I found some photos treasured bymother. 整理母亲的遗物时,我发现了一些母亲珍藏的mother造句: 1. My mother is a hardworking person. She gets up early every day to prepare breakfast for us and drives us to school, also she works hard all day in

26、My mother is always good for me in my eyes, you are the bestmommom, I love you! 27、Practically every week features at least one celebritymomormmotherish的造句和例句:1. The report, based on research among 800 adults, says today's working women dismiss claims that their behaviour is " big motherish " as t

1、latemother; deceasedmother 2、Hermotherand mymotherare friends. 3、Yourmotherdied yesterday." 4、Helen worships hermother. 5、Mymothershrugs. 61、David'smother was unstable and moody.(戴维的母亲情绪不稳定,喜怒无常。2、She's a carbon copy of hermother.(她和她妈妈长得一模一样。3、You're not fi

?△? 2.用as as造句1.Mother is as mad as all get out. 母亲气疯了。2. As soon as his father went out, the boy ran to the cinema. 爸爸刚出门,那男孩就跑向mother造句复制1、David'smotherwas unstable and moody.(戴维的母亲情绪不稳定,喜怒无常。hao86好工具] 2、She's a carbon copy of hermother.(她和她妈妈长得一模

mother英语造句,1、With the help of artificial respiration his mother soon brought the boy to.他母亲用人工呼吸很快使那男孩苏醒过来了。2、O1英语单词造句.(用a、an、the来造句)造多点!1.boy,his mother,train,fat,thim2.old woman,young woman,plane,smiling,laughing3.actor,doctor,taxi,taking,listening4.the su


标签: 用friend造句



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