

school造句简单 2023-06-12 10:37 935 墨鱼


随着中国经济的发展和全球化的进程,越来越多的商品被标上了“Made in China”的标签。这其中不仅包括生产成本低、规模大的产品,还有很多高科技、高附加值的产品。中国造良心价“I'm form China.望采纳

China造句1、China has earmarked more than $20 billion for oil exploration.(中国已留出二百多亿美元用于石油勘探。2、They now have access to the mass markets ofChand the economy was on a V-shaped recovery.It not only made China the only major economy worldwide with positive growth in 2020, but also injected impetus into the glob

˙^˙ 沫妍China关注展开@^林芊羽__满眼温柔% @L0VE^🌹.宋悸婷✨ @luusi_Jnlarsoo&.(暂退版) @「湉葡💞 妧䅰艿🎧」三样功能全封.倒霉林钊年@不必装可怜。乘风破浪.苓棠@余初熙. @冷岚. @启司@宋china的形容词造句china的形容词chinese。例句:Chinese will be on the school schedule from next year. 从明年开始中文将排进学校的课程表。扩展资料双语例句:We cou

china造句1、Is it before the end of 1993 that China will join GATT?是1993年底前中国加入关贸总协定吗?2、A pure gold brand will be created in China by Swiss credit用china造句1. China is a country with a rich history and culture. 2. The Great Wall of China is one of the most famous landmarks in the world. 3. China is the wo

undo_retention简单定义,就是最多数据的最少保留时间。AUM模式下,undo_retention参数用于事务commit后undo数据保留的时间。单位为秒。这是个no guarantee的限制。也就是,若空单词China 例句大全,用单词China造句:According to one, it was Wang Xizhi, the supreme calligrapher ofChina, that did the inscription. 有人说,这是书圣王羲之手笔。T


标签: chinatown造句简单



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