
be made up of例句,attach…to造句

set aside例句 2023-12-14 23:56 480 墨鱼
set aside例句

be made up of例句,attach…to造句

to be made up of 组成;be e made up of 组成; 构成近义词:consist of 由…组成;由…构成;包括The development will consist of 66 dwellings and a number of offices. 新“be made up of”是一个动词短语,表示由若干个部分或成分组成。以下是该词汇的详细解释:用法“be made up of”是一个被动语态的形式,通常接在主语后,表示主语由若干个部

?▽? 1. 由…构成初中短语_百度文库be divided into 被分成;be made up of由…构成;be angry with 对某人生气; wenku.baidu|基于1762个网页2. 组成九年级英语上4、Because your life shouldbe made up ofhappiness.(因为快乐才是你的人生。5、This is because objects maybe made up ofother objects.(这是因为对象可能是由其他对象

∪^∪ Be made up of造句:1.The city is made up of different neighborhoods, each with its own character and charm. 2.The human body is made up of cells, tissues, organs be made up of造句be made up of造句1.The city is made up of countless skyscrapers, bustling streets and hidden alleys. 2.The family is made up of father, mother a

be made up of造句有:1、The bridge will be made up of two layers, however, so there are some options for nermade up of基本解释由…组成,由…构成made up of的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释Chinese politics ismadeupofmany competing forces . 中国的政治

参考例句The pharmacist made up a prescription.药剂师照处方配了一剂药。The pharmacist made up the prescription药剂师按处方配了药The genre made up of such works1、Any rule mustbe made up ofproductions. 2、This chip appears tobe made up ofdiscrete platelets which have adhered to one another. 3、Marriage shou


标签: attach…to造句



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