

cost造句带翻译 2023-08-27 16:51 110 墨鱼


Twenty third是基数词,“23”的意思造句:There are twenty three girls in our class.翻译为:“我们班有23名女生”望采纳!!!third造句1.He is the third person to arrive at the party. 2.The third time I went to the shop, they had already run out of stock. 3.The third floor of the buildi

third造句如下:双语例句:1、Third, they now dominate left-of-centre politics.第三,他们目前在偏左派的政治力一、Third造句简单?1、This is her third win in a row. 这是她连续获得的第三次胜利。2、He finished in third place. 他得了第三名。3、The favourite

third英语造句,1、Molly, who is always very well-turned out, could appreciate this third rationale.茉莉总是很注重仪态,她完全明白第三22、Athirdof the day was without light, and also athirdof the night. 23、Third-rate– inferior. She bought a very cheap DVD player but it wasthird-r

╯▽╰ ⛄️学习文章的几个重点:写作逻辑结构、造句、用词拿到一篇文章绝对不是简单地查几个生词就可以搞定的,那只是最基础的做法。根据自己学习的经验,我归纳了以下几个学习的方面:1百度试题结果1 结果2 题目third怎么造句相关知识点:试题来源:解析The third apple . 结果一题目third怎么造句答案The third apple .相关推荐1third怎么造句反馈

∩﹏∩ 单词third 例句大全,用单词third造句:Articlethirdunessential therefore ready accede to owner 第三条款无关紧要,可答应船主的要求Each interpretation.Third, theft Ac3、Don't dry tore photos, burn, torediarykind of third-rate love someone in the drama. 别干撕照片,烧信,撕日记这样一类三流爱情电视剧中才有人干的事。4、The best wa


标签: happy造句简单



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